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traumatic brain injuries

Brain injuries or head related injuries happen to over two million people each year within the United States of America. These types of injuries usually require consistent long-term care alongside clinic rehabilitation and psychological therapy. The Brain Trauma Foundation says the leading causes of brain injuries are falls, motorized vehicle collisions, and being hit by or against alternative objects.


Brain injuries or head-related injuries happen to over two million people each year within the United States of America. These types of injuries usually require consistent long-term care alongside clinic rehabilitation and psychological therapy. The Brain Trauma Foundation says the leading causes of brain injuries are falls, motorized vehicle collisions, and being hit by or against alternative objects. Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) cause changes in speech, behavior, ability to move and think. There are usually difficulties in learning, expressing emotions, and/or feeling sensation. Brain injuries may cause brain disorder and increase the chance for Alzheimer, Parkinson, and different types of brain disorders that increases risk with ageing.


Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a developing field in medical study. High profile NFL players and different athletes who have been victims of brain injuries have increased awareness. Effective medical treatments are being developed by medical science to help improve patients. However, the high financial and emotional value to the victim and their family are never debatable. We can help and provide effective legal representation.

A person doesn’t have to experience loss of consciousness or a blow to their head to have a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Less impactful TBI can cause impairments in thinking, reasoning, and behavior that is serious enough to impact a person’s ability to enjoy life or work and earn a living.

Have you or a loved one noticed any of these followings symptoms?

  • Disorientation
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of time
  • Slurred Speech
  • Unrelenting or severe headaches
  • Weakness in the arms or legs
  • Changes in behavior or mood
  • Loss of memory

In addition, everything else associated with head trauma, a person affected often has a long and expensive road to recovery. Medical care for victims young and old can exceed millions of dollars over the course of a patient’s life. If you or a loved one is dealing with the consequences of a traumatic brain injury due to the actions of another, our lawyers are here to help you. We understand the highly technical medical information that is required to prove the extent of our client’s injuries to an insurer and court of law. Contact the Kurt Thompson Law Group immediately at 1-888-487-8971. We’re available to you 24/7, nights and weekends.

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