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home abuse

Abuse at a nursing home can have devastating effects on the health and emotional well-being of an elderly person living in an assisted living facility. Abuse and neglect can result in serious injury or even death.


Abuse at a nursing home can have devastating effects on the health and emotional well-being of an elderly person living in an assisted living facility. Abuse and neglect can result in serious injury or even death. Sadly, many of our loved ones are at this stage in life, and abuse and neglect are common in nursing homes throughout United States. If you or someone you know has been a victim of abuse or neglect in these type of facilities, please allow us to provide protection. The facility could be found liable for the actions of its employees and for its failure to enforce policies designed to guard residents.


Mistreatment includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and financial exploitation. Some signs and symptoms of elder abuse may include, but limited to:

  • Bruises
  • Fractures
  • Torn clothing
  • Cuts/Unexplained bleeding
  • Wandering/Leaving facility
  • Signs that your elderly loved one may have been neglected are:
  • Dehydration
  • Malnourishment
  • Unexplained diseases or infections
  • Failure to guard against falls
  • Medication errors
  • Mysterious bruising
  • Failing to properly turn residents causing skin breakdown/sores
  • Changes in behavior (e.g. unexplained anger or crying, erratic moods)
  • Financial exploitation is one of the most common forms of non-physical abuse of the elderly. A caregiver may:
  • Misuse the elder’s checks, accounts, or credit cards
  • Steal cash, checks, medication or belongings
  • Forge signatures
  • Authorize financial withdrawals or bank transfers
  • Steal the patient’s identity


We understand how devastating it can be when your loved one is abused by a nursing home that was supposed to provide comfort and care. Let us use our experience and knowledge to handle your loved one’s case. In a nursing home abuse case, our attorneys will inform the nursing home of the pending allegations and give them an opportunity to respond to the claims. We will also take action to prevent any additional mistreatment. In the majority of cases, the nursing home will attempt to settle the claim out of court. However, our attorneys will not hesitate to take even the biggest corporations to court if necessary. The goal of our firm is not only to recover full and fair compensation for our clients who have been abused, but also to deter other nursing homes from engaging in or allowing similar conduct.

If you believe your family member is suffering or hurting due to nursing home neglect or abuse, please contact The Kurt Thompson Law Group immediately at 1-888-487-8971. We’re available to you 24/7, nights and weekends.

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