Burn Injuries

Head Injuries

Spinal Cord Injuries
Catastrophic injury is an injury that is so serious that its effects leave the victim with permanent damage. Catastrophic injuries are usually the result of physical harm to the brain and/or spinal cord which can have a severe short- and long-term impact on an individual’s functional capabilities.
Burn Injuries
According to the American Burn Association close to 500,000 Americans seek medical treatment for serious burn injuries annually in the US.
Head Injuries
Brain injuries or head related injuries happen to over two million people each year within the United States of America. These types of injuries usually require consistent long-term care alongside clinic rehabilitation and psychological therapy. The Brain Trauma Foundation says the leading causes of brain injuries are falls, motorized vehicle collisions, and being hit by or against alternative objects.
Spinal Cord Injuries
The spinal cord is necessary in controlling your sensation, strength, and bodily functions. When the spinal cord becomes injured, the far-reaching damages can be permanent and devastating. Many Americans are living with spinal cord injuries resulting from accidents.